Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The eye of the storm is a silent bliss....

words are a desecration.

feelings are incomplete in expression ..


shankara said : " there is an ocean. with waves and with out "

i say : " I like "

.. as this journey brings me to the threshold of a new dimension. i have many of you to thank. as one sees himself in a mirror and questions as to the reality of cause and effect. the futility of it all brings it down crashing.. just like a wave that ceases to exist after reaching the shore. in the same manner..

this ocean has too come to a state where the waves are no more without. but with in and each with a purpose and direction. as this mind seamlessly finds a comfort.

i dedicate this to guruprasad.

friend, guide, philosopher, advaitist and a fellow traveller.
true to his name he is in more ways than one.
[ guru=teacher, prasad= blessing]

for furthur explanation, read a work called the soundarya lahari by
Shri Aadi Shankaracharya

[ please note that this in no way is indicative of any suicidal tendency. also note, i am in full control of my faculties and have no reason to resort to/ consume any substance which may alter my perception/reaction]

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