for all those who have been wondering what a quark is.
quark(1) /kwɔrk, kwɑrk/
Physics. any of the hypothetical particles with spin 1/2, baryon number 1/3, and electric charge 1/3 or −2/3 that, together with their antiparticles, are believed to constitute all the elementary particles classed as baryons and mesons; they are
distinguished by their flavors, designated as up (u), down (d), strange (s), charm
(c), bottom or beauty (b), and top or truth (t), and their colors, red, green, and
blue. Compare color (def. 18), flavor (def. 5), quantum chromodynamics, quark model.
now this defines Who quark is: ( at least i tried to)
the interview:
me-good morning quark, welcome to this interview.
quark-thank you. its nice being here, especially you interviewing me..
me-So, tell me how did you get to be The QUARK?
quark- i was searching for symbolically small things , that yet fit into the grand scheme of things.something which is at work and is a part of everything. the Quark fit the bill, since it is sub nuclear.
me-so whats new? in the life of quark?
quark-lots actually, at the moment. there is a budding photography idea,
there is a hopeful academic up gradation.
some amount of happiness and sadness, with a twist of unpredictability.
me- is it true you have been out twice, are you thinking of third time lucky? or once bitten twice shy? ..
quark-well you can say that. finding a person that suits me has to be either a mathematical gimmick or a thorough stroke of luck. its happened twice. the third time, if ever,i am not going to be the initiator.
me- can you clarify?
quark- ok, its just that i am used to being in control of my immediate world and its quirky ways.asking someone, puts me at the business end of a stick which is not at all comfortable, not to mention somewhat silly.being the subject of someone else's decision making process.
i mean it has been Mr.Bean moments for me, with all due respect.
i am not currently looking at an active third time unless, a purple faced redhead with the regular dose of feminine whimsicality, who's about 5ft6 inches tall and speaks French comes up and ask me out.
me- are you partial to redheads?
quark-no, i am partial to purple faces. i am a purple face too, with green feelers tucked behind my ears.
me-so where do u actually come from?
quark-mars, thats where i was last stationed. but homeland is in the outer reaches of the solar system, i am Uranian.
me- do you miss home?
quark-somewhat, i would say. though i must accept i was beginning to like it here.
me- ok now we begin the rapid fire round.
quark-nice.. shoot away
me-one thing u can do without
me-one thing thats absolutely necessary
quark-life in general and wildlife in particular.
me-one thing that describes you in a phrase
quark-Quark is.
me-one thing you like here on earth
quark-cars, bikes,food, nice forests..
me- blue or pink?
quark-blue, electric,shimmery, metallic blue
me-one thing you'd love to take home, from here
quark- that will have to be either a wife or a tiger
me-one thing you'd like to give us from your home.
quark- the cooler temperatures.
me-one thing you hate about earthlings.
quark-they can destroy themselves and their surroundings in the name of development and sing "we didn't start the fire"
me-one thing you like about earthlings
quark-they are friendly and naive
me- men drive better or women?
quark- i dont generalise, but women seem to have accidents because they are unsure of what they are doing, and men, because they are too sure of themselves.
me-aircraft or trains?
quark- aircraft any day!!
me-cats or dogs?
quark-cats, most definitely
me-music or books?
quark-music AND books.
me-movies or theater?
quark- either, if its sensible or funny
me-life is..
quark-one's journey, a lesson to be learnt in each experience, both sad and happy ones, equally.
me-friends are..
quark-fulfilling relationships, and forever.
me-one place you would like to visit, and why?
quark-Alaska or 66'Degrees north. to see the northern lights.
me-one thing you d wanna do before you die?
quark- marry? just joking.. it would be to raise a tiger cub for a conservation project and successfully release him/her back.
me-one message to the readers.
quark-have fun.
me- one message for me.
quark- lose weight and get serious, no i am joking, get fit, and get proactive.
me-it was nice speaking to you
quark- same here.
me- i d like to do this again see how things change over time.
quark- definitely, call me beforehand, so i can be more funny and give more bogus answers next time. ;)
and till next time..
au revoir ..
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1 comment:
Excellent one. The idea of an interview is amazingly good and i must say that the author really made me feel as if it were two different people talking.
Having said that the author could have tried to bring in a bit more about Quark's planet origins to make it a bit more humorous.
All in all its a nice brick in your wall
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